We’re always keen to share expert insights and actionable advice for life science marketers.
Our articles explore various topics and
challenges that could inspire your success in
this challenging industry.

Building a stand-out brand in Life Science – the new reality
Life Science companies are having to work harder to stand out. Smaller companies in particular are competing more fiercely for customers and investors. And they’re not immune to the explosion of information vying for customer attention coupled with ever shorter customer attention spans in an increasingly competitive marketplace. Find out who’s winning the brand race and what your company can learn from them.

15 Questions you should be able to answer to improve your marketing
There are 15 critical questions that relate to each of the main stages in the marketing process. Companies that can definitively answer each of the questions are able to achieve a significant increase in sales performance compared to those that can’t. How does your marketing process compare?

What your best customers won’t tell you
By only talking to our best customers we potentially miss segments of potential customers whom we are currently not catering for and who might make up a significant proportion of the market.

Why robust business strategy needs to start with marketing
What does it take to win in today’s highly competitive market where customers have ever increasing choice and with that, unprecedented power, to make or break a company? Competitiveness has always been the aim of strategy. But to be competitive, organisations need to take a more marketing-led approach to strategy development.

How to find out what Scientists really need and want
How can marketing make sure that companies are developing the right products to meet the needs of scientists? Developing and positioning products to rapidly gain market share requires marketing to own the customer insight piece at each stage of the product development process.

Selling life science products is starting to look a lot like selling consulting
As a consultant, working with marketers to position and sell B2B products and services, I’ve been thinking about how selling products today has become a lot like selling consulting services and what we can learn from this. Here are 5 things product marketers and sales reps can learn from management consulting.