Marketing spend split

Use our calculator to find your optimal brand and tactical marketing spend split.

Having the right balance between brand and tactical marketing is important for a well-rounded marketing strategy.

Brand marketing focuses on the overall perception and reputation of a company by communicating its core values and identity. Tactical marketing focuses on short-term objectives like driving traffic to a website or increasing sales. Companies need both.

Balancing the two depends on the type of company, its products, route to market and growth ambition. Use our calculator to find out how your company should split its marketing budget.

Note: The results from this calculator should not be solely relied upon for making business decisions and should be considered in conjunction with other relevant data and professional advice.

How to use the calculator

Select one option from each of the drop-downs below that best describes your company. Press ‘calculate’ to see the recommended split between brand and tactical marketing spend for your company.

Do you have questions or need advice about marketing budgets? We can help you estimate your overall marketing budget depending on the size and stage of the company. Contact us for an obligation-free discussion.


Marketing Spend Calculator

Marketing Spend Calculator