Marketing tactics that can have an impact whatever your budget

Marketing budgets are increasingly under pressure. So, marketers are being asked to do more with less (or in some cases with virtually nothing). But you can still create effective marketing, whatever your budget. Here are our top tactics:

1. Almost no budget

Even with limited or no marketing spend, marketers can still make an impact.

  • LinkedIn outreach: Use it to showcase your expertise and connect with potential customers. You can design a three-step outreach strategy that demonstrates your expertise, shares content they will find valuable and gives them an opportunity to contact you. A LinkedIn automation tool like LinkedHelper, with a monthly fee of around £40, can automate this process much more cost effectively than running LinkedIn promotions.

  • Content sharing: Lack original content? No problem. Curate and share relevant articles from the trade press or scientific journals that your audience might find useful. This positions your brand as a valuable source of industry insights and fosters engagement without breaking the bank.

  • Optimise your website and SEO: Maximise your website using a free website audit tool like SEOptimer. This will help customers find your site by improving organic SEO, while enabling them to quickly and easily find the information they need.

2. You’ve got about £5,000

With a modest budget, marketers can create original content and engage their audience more effectively:

  • Content creation through collaboration: Work with industry experts, customers and academics to generate high-quality content such as scientific results, articles and case studies. Having input from experts helps to give your content greater credibility. Investing in a professional writer or copy editor will help you generate high quality and consistent content. Articles written by a professional, scientific writer cost from £950 - £1,700 per article.  Or write the article yourself and have it reviewed by a Copy Editor for about £250.

  • Do your own media outreach: Build targeted lists of journalists to amplify your content by pitching articles to them. Having a third party build a list can be an effective way to start your media database. A list with 100 names costs around £500 and 250 names can be purchased for £1,200.

  • Host a webinar: Engage with your audience by hosting webinars. These can be recorded, recut and transcribed to maximise the content. This content can then be hosted on your website and promoted via social media. Webinars are often expensive but using a professional webinar hosting service can cost as little as £1,200. Promoting the event using email list rental from a trade publication will cost about £2,500 - £3,000.

3. Bit more to spend, £10,000

With a slightly larger budget, marketers can take their campaigns up a notch:

  • Need to create original content – run a survey: Conducting surveys and publishing the results can create a substantial amount of original content. It can show that your company understands the industry it’s in. Collaborating with media partners or content aggregators can give you access to the right audience. Surveys conducted by a content aggregator cost around £8,500 (excludes writing up the results).

  • Enhanced webinars: Invest in a full package that includes branded webinar hosting, live streaming, and editing services for around £3,200. Promoting the webinar using targeted email list rentals can boost attendance. Trade publications will rent their email lists out for around £2,500 - £3,000 and up.

  • Sponsored content: Sponsored articles in trade publications can increase brand visibility and credibility. While the investment may be higher, the publication can write the article for you and there is more potential for reaching a highly targeted audience. Prices start from £5,000 - £7,000 upwards.

4. For budgets of £25,000 - £30,000

For marketers with more substantial budgets, hiring an agency can give you a more creative and strategic campaign. An agency can create a 12-month marketing campaign (excluding media purchases) that includes the following:          

  • Three conceptual ideas to choose from. One conceptual idea will be refined and used to create the campaign messaging;

  • A 12-month marketing campaign plan (outlining the content required, promotional activities and  media channels);         

  • A full project and media plan;  

  • Support for executing the marketing campaign  (e.g. a package of 10 days)

 Budget is no barrier to making an impact

As we’ve shown, regardless of budget constraints, there are practical marketing tactics that can help to move the needle. Less budget simply means that you have to be more creative, strategic and use the resources available in novel ways to achieve your marketing objectives.


Note: Costs are based on conversations with various vendors over the past six months and should be used as a guideline only.


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